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Shalom House for Girls

As we traveled into the mountains we found out how older men would kidnap young girls. In Honduras they call it “stealing them”. Not to sell them but to use them as their own women. When this happens the men responsible for this won’t bring the girls back out into the public until they’re pregnant, forcing these young girls to stay with them. It’s a terrible situation for these young girls. There was so much of this taking place that we began to have a burden for it and started to pray for these young girls. Later, God opened the door for us to start the Shalom House for Girls.

We decided we wanted to create a safe haven for these broken young girls to come to. The ministry AHMEN partnered with us to create “The Shalom House” and they have been supporting us with this ministry since its beginning. The Shalom House is a refuge for at risk girls. Girls who are in danger of being sexually abused. We try to rescue them from dangerous situations. We are not always able to do that. Some have been brought here afterwards but we still accept them. While they’re here the girls go to school and church. At Shalom House the girls get to live a normal life where all of their needs are met. We teach them about Jesus and they lives have value. We educate them so when they leave here they can earn a living to support themselves. It’s our goal to equip these young ladies with everything they need to have bright futures so they remain here until they finish their education.

We Need Your Help!

One our most expensive efforts. It takes $200 dollars a month to pay for the room and board per girl staying in our home. It’s a big commitment but we ask that you prayerfully consider sponsoring one of our girls!