• Warriors Center USA
  • (901) 849.3333

Medical & Dental Clinics

Our Story

In 1978, Dr. Robert Seymour came to Honduras with two of his friends on a fishing trip. They had read in a bass fishing magazine about this lake that had huge bass and decided they wanted to go there. He had never been to Honduras and didn't know anything about it. They flew into La Ceiba and drove down to Lake Yojoa. They were fishing there for 3 days. One afternoon Dr. Seymour was in a restaurant eating and this American dentist named Dr. Clem Hahn walks in. He had opened a dental clinic for the poor across the lake. Dr. Seymour found it interesting that he was running a clinic, that he happened to be a dentist, and that he also came through Mississippi every year visiting a dentist that Dr. Seymour knew. A coincidence? We think not! This was the beginning of relationship that would alter Dr. Seymour's life and would ultimately lead to the opening of our clinics located in La Ceiba, Honduras.

The Nurse
Dr Robert Seymore
Rosita Diaz The Dentist

Dental Clinic

 Dental Hygiene can be very expensive for people who already struggle to make ends meet. We provide team-based, comprehensive dental care for children and adults.

Medical Clinic

Depending on the resources available and the individual needs of the patients, our medical clinic aims to provide the recipients with personalized medical evaluations at little to no cost to the patients.


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We Need Your Help!

This clinic is a lifesaver to this impoverished community. We pay our staff fair wages so that our clinics can operate smoothly and our patients can get the best care.